jueves, 29 de marzo de 2018

Nobody teaches you the steps in a world that It forces you every day to be able to get up and walk

Hairbase: L'Etre Jose Hairbase 
Glasses: [Z O OM] Kaion Glasses
Ears: L'Etre - Pure mesh ears  [LEFT] /BIG
Shirt: //Ascend// Eric Shirt - Belleza
Tie: //Ascend// Eric Bow Tie - Belleza
Skirt: *CHEERNO*S/S_18 LongSkirt Dark [JAKE]--NEW--@NEO Japan (Soon)
Sandals: *CHEERNO*S/S_18 Palm Sandals (JAKE)--NEW--@NEO Japan (Soon)
Handbag: [Deadwool] Mercury handbag - natural (white stripes)
Pose: / WRONG / Static Male Poses - 24-4--NEW--@Ultra Event
Backdrop: taikou / nighttime bus stop backdrop--NEW--@NEO Japan (Soon)