domingo, 30 de abril de 2017
"I'm definitely still wild in the heart"
* United Colors *
- Taka Outfit alla in 1 -
* RealEvil Industries *
- Predator Collar -
- Deah Gloves & Rings -
Shiny Shabby
* L'Etre and DOUX *
- Hair Blair ( Unisex ) - - Skin Adachi -
- Adachi lipstick [#5] -
- Olympe mesh ears -
L'Etre and DOUX
sábado, 29 de abril de 2017
"if you can dream it you can do it"
* Rowne *
- Rijka Strapless Crop -
* NANI *
- Stefanie.Hair -
- Stefanie.Hat -
[NANI] main shop
* Suicide Gurls *
- Willow Sunglasses -
Suicide Gurls Store
* Yummy *
- Teen Spirit Set -
Yummy Accessories Tableau
* L'Etre and DOUX *
- Skin Adachi -
- Adachi lipstick [#5] -
L'Etre and DOUX
jueves, 27 de abril de 2017
"Art can never match the richness of nature"
Exclusive N21
* L'Etre and DOUX *
- Hair Marcia -
- Skin Aya -
L'Etre and DOUX.
* 22769 *
- Frosted Glass Ball Lamp -
- Garden Patio -
- Patio Chair either in style CREME -
- Cubic Box Tree -
- Balcony Flowers-
- Socculents -
- Vipers bowstring hemp -
- Snake Plant -
- Pot with Areca Palm -
Shiny Shabby
miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017
"Happiness resides in the leisure of the spirit"
* United Colors *
- Spring Breeze Blouse -
Tres Chic
* NX-Nardcotix *
- Alba Wedge -
* 22769 *
- Garden Bench -
- Frosted Glass Ball Lamp -
- Patio Fairy Lights -
* L'Etre and DOUX *
- Hair Marcia -
- Skin Aya -
L'Etre and DOUX.
martes, 25 de abril de 2017
"There is no greater adventure than living your dreams"
* United Colors *
- Jovita_dress -
Kustom 9
* Villena *
- Off Shoulder Bomber -
[Villena, Pumpkin]
* L'Etre and DOUX *
- Hair Claudia -
- Skin Aya -
L'Etre and DOUX.
lunes, 24 de abril de 2017
"There is no more pleasant blindness than passionate love"
* Eudora3D *
- Jezebel Gacha Set Brown&Gold -
Shinny Shabby
* Salt & Pepper *
- S&P dress Runa -
* RealEvil Industries *
- **RE** Deah Glove & Rings -
Shiny Shabby
* N-Core *
- SCORPIO "Charcoal" -
Black Fair
* L'Etre and DOUX *
- Hair Desi -
- Skin Aya -
L'Etre and DOUX.
domingo, 23 de abril de 2017
"You have to look back and see things with another look"
* United Colors *
- UC_Aura_dress -
- Hair Alexandra -
- Olympe Mesh Ears -
L'Etre and DOUX
sábado, 22 de abril de 2017
"Consciousness is soluble in alcohol"
* E-Clipse Design *
- ED-Dolcenera -
* L'Etre and DOUX *
- Hair Alexandra -
- Olympe Mesh Ears -
* RealEvil Industries *
- **RE** Deah Glove & Rings -
* Kunst *
- Nox table/Barn room divider/Alcohol! sign -
viernes, 21 de abril de 2017
"My heart is a voice that asks you to always be here, behind the phone..."
- Luxury Dream Gacha -
- SOFIE Bento Head -
- Skin PAOLA -
* White Widow *
- Lovesong -
Black Fair
* L'Etre and DOUX *
- Angela Hairstyle [UNRIGGED] / BANG -
- Ringed mesh ears -
L'Etre and DOUX
jueves, 20 de abril de 2017
"The most important thing is not the camera, but the eye"
- Luxury Dream Gacha -
- SOFIE Bento Head -
- Skin PAOLA -
* E-clipse Design *
- ED. Tammy Top, Shorts, Jacket -
Shiny Shabby
* White Widow *
- Lovesong -
Black Fair
miércoles, 19 de abril de 2017
martes, 18 de abril de 2017
lunes, 17 de abril de 2017
"Elegance is a matter of personality"
- Gianna Velvet Bodysuit -
- Jitte Asymmetric Skirt -
- Bellini TOTE -
Scandalize Store
Tres chic
domingo, 16 de abril de 2017
"Elegance is not forgetting what you wear"
- Rowne.Bellini Flair Trousers -
- Rowne.Felice Leather Bra -
- Rowne.Olesya Lace Coat -
- Rowne.PW BonBon Earrings -
* L'Etre and DOUX *
- Skin Adachi -
- Adachi lipstick [#5] -
- Hair SF #4 -
- Real Eyes [#5] -
- New body appliers ( Golden ) -
L'Etre and DOUX
sábado, 15 de abril de 2017
"All the loud cries are born of solitude"
- Head_Jane_3.2 Bento -
The Seasons Story
Genesis Lab
* Eudora3D *
- Sigrun Headpiece -
We Love Roleplay
* RealEvil Industries *
- Luxy Rings - Vista Bento -
The Chapter Four Event
RealEvil Store
* L'Etre and DOUX *
< Septum Free Gift >
- Hair SF #4 -
L'Etre and DOUX.
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